In the wake of easily available AI models such as ChatGPT, Google Bard, and Anthropic Claude, numerous companies have rolled out applications that depend greatly on these technologies. These applications generally implement a straightforward code layer or functionality (an abstraction) over a generative AI (GenAI), effectively creating a “wrap” around the foundational model, which is often based on GPT (a large language model). Consequently, they are referred to as GPT Wrappers. Among these, ChatGPT Wrappers are particularly popular owing to the widespread adoption of OpenAI’s ChatGPT.

What is a GPT Wrapper?

A GPT Wrapper is an application that adds a minimal user interface (UI) or user experience (UX) layer on top of API requests to a generative AI model. These wrappers are often used as independent business products.Picture a website that allows you to input a description of yourself, generating a narrative about your exciting adventure. In reality, this application relies on a prompt template that combines with your input to produce a personalized prompt. This prompt is subsequently sent to a generative AI (GenAI) to create the story.

What are the Pros and Cons of GPT Wrappers?

From a business viewpoint, there are various aspects to contemplate when creating a GPT Wrapper. On the positive side, GPT Wrappers can be developed quickly and affordably, offering a fast way to provide a product experience. However, this simplicity and speed of creation often mean they lack a sustainable competitive advantage. Therefore making it easier for others to duplicate and challenge your offering.What’s more, if your application garners important traffic, the expenses associated with API requests to the GenAI model can escalate, complicating scalability. GPT Wrappers are also at risk of prompt leaking. Where unscrupulous users might steal the prompt templates that power the application. This represents a type of prompt injection, a recurrent vulnerability seen in many GPT Wrappers (as noted in incidents like MathGPT).

Another important factor to consider is the reliance of GPT Wrappers on the large language model (LLM) provider. For instance, if you develop an app that allows users to engage with various bot personalities, you risk being outperformed by larger entities like OpenAI through their GPT Store offerings.

Pros and Cons of GPT Wrappers:


  • Fast development
  • Cost-effective to create


  • Lacks a competitive edge
  • Expensive to scale with increased traffic
  • Prone to prompt leaks and injections
  • Dependent on updates from LLM providers

What Defines a GPT Wrapper?

Certain sophisticated tools, such as Cognition Labs’ Devin, a semi-autonomous coding application, have faced accusations of being GPT Wrappers. Devin incorporates features like internet search and other advanced utilities, indicating it extends beyond a mere wrapper. The classification of something as a GPT Wrapper often hinges on the degree of reliance. The greater the dependence of an application on generative AI, the closer it aligns with being a GPT Wrapper. Conversely, if the app integrates further tools and advanced features, it begins to shift away from the wrapper classification. Typically, an application is designated a GPT Wrapper if its core functionality can be summarized into a handful of GPT API calls.

Are GPT Wrappers Becoming Obsolete?

It is estimated that there are tens of thousands of GPT Wrappers available, though only a small percentage are being monetized. As providers like OpenAI enhance their generative AI models with sophisticated features. Such as function calling and internet search, the demand for basic GPT Wrappers is likely to diminish. Nevertheless, for the time being, GPT Wrappers still deliver valuable functions, and their development is expected to persist for the next few years.


GPT Wrappers can prove effective when merging generative AI with specific tools or emphasizing distinct AI features, such as storytelling. However, their limited competitive advantage and the swift advancement of GenAI platforms may curtail their longevity. If you’re contemplating the creation of a GPT Wrapper, make sure to consider the pros and cons thoughtfully. Happy building!